
    Introduction to Tianjin Port Cultural Tourism Zone
    The "Tianjin Port Industrial Tour" jointly created by Tianjin Port Group, Tianjin Transportation Group and Tianjin Tourism (Holding) Corporation is the unique industrial tour line with port characteristics in Tianjin. This initiative not only meets the leisure tourism needs of the people, but also serves as a vivid practice to demonstrate the high-quality development of Tianjin Port economy, so that more citizens can understand and participate in the port industry tour, feel the port charm, experience the port culture, enhance the cognition and understanding of the port industry, contribute to the development of Tianjin-Binhai twin cities cultural tourism industry, and narrate the New era’s new story of the Tianjin vivacity, promote the development of industrial tourism in the whole city.
    As the world's largest artificial deep-water port, Tianjin Port has the world's most spectacular container terminal groups and profound historical details. By participating in the 'Tianjin Port Industrial Tour’ activity, tourists can visit the world's first ‘Smart and Carbonfree’ terminal in Tianjin Port and realizes its whole process of unmanned automated operation, appreciate the wine products and wine culture brought by famous European wine companies, enjoy the new fashion of ecological green tourism in the Dongjiang Gulf Coast Scenic Area, by these, tourists can gain understandings of the achievements of various causes in Tianjin Port at close range, experience the unique culture of the port, and feel the pulse of the times’ development.
    Three State-Owned Enterprises effort to build
    These three powerful state-owned enterprises leverage their respective advantages to effort to create the port industrial tourism project with the theme as ‘one tour guide and one business card, one route and one feature, one vehicle and one window’. By making full use of the tourism resources of the Tianjin Port, this project integrates industrial tour routes, drives the overall tourism economy of the region, and fully publicizes the brand-new smart and green development model of the Tianjin Port. It can not only report the port construction achievements to the residents of Tianjin and Binhai twin cities, but also promote Tianjin to ecdemic citizens, open the port gate for the sightseers, and make them form near-distance and multi-perspective realization of the prosperity port industry outlook of the Tianjin Port.
    天津港作为世界最大的人工深水港,拥有世界最壮观的集装箱码头群,和深厚的历史底蕴,此次选取集智慧、服务、贸 易、绿色的四个点位作为首批工业游的游览景点
    As the world's largest artificial deep-water port, Tianjin Port owns the world's most spectacular container terminal clusters and profound historical details, has selected the ‘wisdom’, ‘service’, ‘trade’, ‘green’ four points as the first batch of industrial tourism attractions.
    Tianjin Transportation Group is the only large wholly state-owned company in Tianjin with the national road cargo transport first-class qualification and road passenger transport first-class qualification, has been awarded the top 100 enterprises in Tianjin and the top 50 most competitive logistics enterprises in China. The core business projects of the Tianjin Transportation Group are commuter bus, urban and rural bus, exhibition car, urban tourism, and others, have been winning a high degree of social influence and customer reputation.
    Tianjin Tourism (Holding) Corporation is a first-class state-owned group company managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Tianjin People’s Government and is a leading enterprise in Tianjin tourism industry. It owns hotel, tourism, health care, comprehensive supporting service, commercial trade, and other business sectors, including The Astor Hotel Tianjin, Yanyuan International Hotel, Geneva Hotel Tianjin, Friendship Hotel, Tianjin JinLv Haihe Cruises Company, China International Travel Service Company Tianjin, National Exhibition Corporation Tianjin, and Tianjin Food Street, etc.
    Scenic Spots Introduction
    以阳光沙滩、水上休闲、海鲜美食为主推亮点。作为国家级4A级景区,先后成功承办了全国第十三届全运会帆船帆板和沙滩 排球、泡泡岛音乐与艺术节等活动,是游客放松休闲、运动体验的不二之选。
    With sunshine beach, water recreation, seafood delicacies for main highlights, as a AAAA National Tourist Attraction, it has successfully hosted the Sailing & Windsurfing Competition and Beach Volleyball Competition of the 13th National Games,‘Bubbling & Boiling’ Music and Arts Festival and other activities. Here is the best choice for tourists to relax and experience sports.
    以客运大厦、豪华邮轮、天津港主航道为主推亮点。邮轮母港的客运大厦全长328米,是由水立方设计团队参与设计的,形状 宛如飘逸的丝带,有海上丝绸的美称。从这里能够看到天津港主航道,巨轮往来穿梭,桥吊作业繁忙
    The main highlights are the passenger terminal building, luxury cruise ships and the main Channel of Tianjin Port. The passenger building at the Cruise Home Port is 328 meters long and was designed by the Water Cube design team. It is shaped like a flowing ribbon and has the reputation of ‘Maritime Silk’. From this spot, tourist can observe the main channel of Tianjin Port, giant ships shuttle back and forth, and the bridge cranes ’busy operation.
    太平洋国际公司坐落在天津自贸试验区(东疆保税港区)南端西侧,于2006年11月28日由国家工商总局批准注册成立。公司 目前拥有外贸航线5条,内贸干线9条,码头岸线全长2300米,陆域纵深1050米,设计水深为-16.5米,预留水深为-18米,年设计集 装箱吞吐能力400万标准箱。共拥有6个专业化集装箱泊位,具有20万吨级专业化集装箱船接卸能力,满足世界上所有在航和在 建大型集装箱船舶的接卸。
    几年来,在集团党委的正确领导下,太平洋国际公司全面落实总书记重要指示精神,深入贯彻集团公司“一二三四”强港兴企 战略,加快建设世界一流绿色智慧效率码头,为更好服务京津冀协同发展和共建“一带一路”贡献智慧与力量。
    Pacific International Company is located on the west side of the southern end of Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone (Dongjiang Bonded Port Area) and was approved for registration by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on November 28, 2006. The company currently has 5 foreign trade routes, 9 domestic trade arteries, a total length of 2300 meters of dock shoreline, a land depth of 1050 meters, a design depth of -16.5 meters, a reserved depth of -18 meters, and an annual designed container throughput capacity of 4 million standard containers. There are a total of 6 specialized container berths with a 200000 ton specialized container ship unloading capacity, meeting the unloading needs of all large container ships in transit and under construction in the world.
    Over the past few years, under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the Tianjin Port Group, Pacific International Company has fully implemented the spirit of the General Secretary Xi's important indication, thoroughly carried out the Group Company's 'One two three four' port strengthening and enterprise developing strategy, accelerated the construction of world-class green and smart efficient terminal, contributed wisdom and strength to better serve the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration and the joint construction of 'the Belt and Road'.
    葡萄酒文化、仓储展示为主推亮点。该公司发挥自身红酒贸易平台优势,搭建红酒意大利国家馆,成功与著名葡萄酒生产企 业花思蝶深化合作,充分发挥贸易与物流联动作用,助推天津共建“一带一路”高质量发展。
    Dongjiang Warehouse-style Red Wine Exhibition and Trade Centre: Wine culture and storage display are its main highlights. This company takes advantage of its own red wine trading platform, builds the Italian Red wine National Pavilion, and successfully deepens cooperation with famous wine production enterprise ‒ ‘Marchesi de' Frescobaldi’, it gives full play to the linkage role of trade and logistics, and promotes Tianjin participate in the high-quality development of "the Belt and Road".
    以“七彩”码头、智慧零碳、清洁能源为主推亮点。这里是全球首个“七彩”码头,七种颜色蕴含着枢纽、服务、安全、环保、 效率、智慧、兴盛七种深刻的含义。
    Tianjin Port Second Container Terminal: With the colorful port, smart carbonfree, clean energy as the main highlights, here is the world's first ‘colourful port’. Seven colours contain seven profound meanings about hub, service, safety, environmental protection, efficiency, smart and prosperity.
    WeiDong Cheng Labor Model Innovation Studio
    天津港第一港埠有限公司“成卫东劳模创新工作室”创建于2015年7月。工作室负责人成卫东曾先后荣获“全国劳动模范”、 “全国交通运输系统劳动模范”、“天津市劳动模范”等近百项荣誉称号,同时享受国务院政府特殊津贴,现为第十四届全国人民代 表大会代表。
    工作室占地面积约400平方米,由办公室、会议室、图书室、实训基地、众智空间、成果转化展示中心、员工休闲共享空间等部 分构成。多年来,在成卫东的带领下,工作室秉承打造“一流的创新创效基地、一流的技术传承基地、一流的人才培养基地”的“三 个一流”建设总体思路,在公司全面深化改革、助力发展的进程中,提供全方位的智力支持和技术保障。
    The "WeiDong Cheng Labor Model Innovation Studio" of Jingang First Port Co., Ltd. was established in July 2015. The person in charge of the studio, WeiDong Cheng, has won nearly 100 honorary titles, including "National model worker", "National model worker of Transportation System", "model worker of Tianjin City", and enjoys special subsidies from the State Council. Now he is the representative of the 14th National People's Congress.
    The studio covers an area of approximately 400 square meters and is composed of offices, conference rooms, libraries, training bases, wisdom spaces, achievement transformation display centers, and employee leisure shared spaces. For many years, under the leadership of Cheng Weidong, the studio has adhered to the overall idea of building the "three first-class" construction of "first-class innovation and efficiency base, first-class technology inheritance base, and first-class talent training base". In the process of comprehensively deepening reform and assisting development of the company, it provides comprehensive intellectual support and technical support.
    Product Classifications
    One-day tour: Four Scenic Points, Market price ¥99(Car fares and meals are not included)
    Half-day tour: Two Scenic Points, Market price ¥70(Car fares and meals are not included)
    (Only for group bookings)
    • 四千服务
    • 海上高速
    • 二集司投产
    • 智能大会
    • 新闻联播
    • 智慧港口
    • 绿色港口